What is a clairvoyant reading? A clairvoyant reading is spirit-to-spirit communication. It’s when the energetic, or spirit, part of the reader, sees and shares the energetic, or spirit, part of the readee. When you get a clairvoyant reading Alisha is able to see the layers and colors of your aura. She can see your chakras and other energy systems. She can see your past lives, spirit guides, contracts, and other wider energies influencing your current life. She can see energy that does not belong to you or is stuck in your space and help you set if free. In truth, most of the information you hear during a clairvoyant reading is information you already know on some level, because it’s information coming from your higher self, to Alisha, and back to you.
One of the best parts of getting a clairvoyant reading is having deep truths validated by an outside source. These are the things you know about yourself intuitively and are affirmed by the reading. Sometimes people are worried that they will learn “bad” things about themselves, or that “dark secrets” will be unearthed. In actuality, you are way too complex, have lived too many lifetimes, and are an ever changing, limitless spirit for a single reading to touch on all that has, is, and may be in terms of your current spiritual development. Your soul will make visible the information and awareness that is most important for you to have in present time in order to further your soul’s spiritual development. While this information may stir emotions or evoke profound healing, it is always exactly what you need to hear in divine timing. In spirit you are always perfect, whole, and complete. Communication that will help you move forward in your own truth and light is the message that will come forward during your reading and nothing less.
A clairvoyant reading is really just a way of allowing the reader to hold a mirror up for you to exam all the beautiful facets of your beingness. It’s a chance to be seen as you truly are, as you’ve always been, as you always will be… a perfect, limitless, being of light incarnated on this planet to share what only you can share!
Each reading is one hour and done via phone or in person at Alisha’s office. Readings are recorded and emailed to the readee. To schedule a reading please email [email protected]. We will get back to you with open dates and times. Once your reading is scheduled you a link to pay will be emailed to you. One hour readings cost $135. 100% of the proceeds from your reading will be donated to Sanctuary at Bluebird Lane, a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to providing a loving home for hounds from Spain. You can pay with a credit card or electronic check. Once we have received your payment you will be sent information to call in for your reading.